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43rd ANNUAL OFAEMA SCHOOL > Maintenance, Inspection & Testing of Ambulances E-0
Maintenance, Inspection & Testing of Ambulances E-0
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Price: $175.00
Availability: space still available
Prod. Code: Friday

This class is provided by Michael Young & OFAEMA

The goal is to cover the objectives and introduce the reference materials for the Ambulance Maintenance Test developed by the EVTCC

Emphasis will be on:

Basic Principles of Maintenance


Out of Service Criteria

Maintenance Principles and Procedures


The Students should down load and print the available reference material or simply down load them and bring their laptop to class for the purpose of note taking.

Due to the time limitations this class should not be considered exhaustive, nor should it be considered an alternative to studying the material. 


Registering for this class does not register the person for EVTCC Testing. To Register to take the EVT Test associated with this class go to www.evtcc.org and register with them before February 27th.                                                          


Friday 28th, (8:00-4:00)


Instructor: Michael Young, Fire Maintenance Supervisor, City of Alexandria Fire Dept.